10 cases of censorship in Pokemon that prove Americans are way too prudish...
The fact remains that in the United States , Americans don't see things the same way . That is why they have made several changes to the first Japanese cartoon that invaded the market.

Of course, we're talking about Pokémon.
1. Any reference to Hitler or a particular political inclination is removed.
2. To discourage children from playing with fire, they replaced the match with a birthday candle.
3. Here's another example of Americans' modesty with this skirt that was made longer.
4. Instead of onigiri (a rice ball), they used a sub sandwich.
5. To prevent any racist comments, Jynx was given a new color.
6. We have to acknowledge that here the Americans were right to remove all her curves, since Misty was only 12 years old.
7. Giovanni is holding a glass of wine? No, it's better to drink apple juice.
8. Another scene removed because we see James' body.
9. Everything is in the direction of Grimer's eyes.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!