10 completely false 'facts' about the human body
Despite advances in science, the human body remains somewhat of a mystery. Over the centuries numerous theories about how we work have emerged, only to be proven false further down the line.

Here are 10 completely false 'facts' that have been debunked by the scientific community.
1. Being able to make a 'U' with your tongue is determined by your genes
This claim was made by scientists in 1940 and was later proved to be false. Being able to twist your tongue into different positions just needs practice - in other words, all of us are theoretically able to perform gymnastics with our tongues!

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2. Sitting too close to the TV damages your eyes
Your parents may have told you this when you were a kid, but there's no proof behind this old wives tale. However, staying glued to any screen for long periods can cause problems including headaches as well as dry, itchy eyes.

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3. Our hair and nails continue to grow after we die
Nope, nothing grows after we've passed away. However, our skin dries and retracts, which can make our hair and nails look longer.

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4. White teeth are healthier than yellowish teeth
Having sparkly, white teeth may be considered more attractive, but teeth are in fact naturally yellowish. People who whiten their teeth will find that the process needs repeating if they're to keep a Colgate smile. What's more treatments can weaken teeth, causing cavities and other problems in the process. So next time sometimes comments on your yellowish teeth, don't waste any time or money on whitening treatments!

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5. Having flat feet can cause injuries
Quite the opposite! Having flat feet can protect our bodies. Unfortunately the military believed this myth, meaning that lots of soldiers tried to fix their feet, only to find themselves more prone to injury than their flat-footed colleagues.
6. Have sex before a match or competition can reduce a sportsperson's performance
This is as false as false can get. According to some specialists, having sex before an event can actually improve a sportsperson's performance! So no holding back!

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7. We only use 10% of our brain.
The human brain is incredibly complex, but one's thing for sure - we use all of our brain power and for various reasons, as proven by modern scanning techniques. What's more, Barry Beverstein, a leading neurologist, has proved that if only 10% of the brain is used, then damage to other areas should not impair performance. Instead, there is almost no area of the brain that can be damaged without loss of abilities. Even slight damage to small areas of the brain can have profound effects. Interestingly, things like meditation can rewire our brains, helping us to perform functions that we previously may not have been capable of doing!
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8. Our heart is on the left side of the body
Another false 'fact' - our hearts sit in the middle of our chest. However, we often hear a stronger heartbeat on the left hand side, as this is the location of the heart's main artery, responsible for pumping blood around our body.

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9. Your forearm is the same length as your foot
This was first put forward by Leonardo da Vinci, alongside other theories he had about the body. But da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man' is a concept based on perfect proportions, something that doesn't apply to your average Joe. If you don't believe us, just try it out!

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10. If you pull out one white hair, 10 others will grow
This is another urban legend and easily proven to be false. Once one white hair is pulled out, another will grow in its place. Add to that the natural ageing process, which involves a gradual loss of pigment as we grow old.

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By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!