10 drawings of “Game of Thrones” characters imagined with tattoos! Which ones are the best?
While the show’s fans are getting excited about season 6, American graphic designer Hilary Heffron took the opportunity to unveil her creations, which many people will love. The artist imagines the actors tattooed and wearing a different style of clothing, which gives us impressive results.

1. Jon Snow
2. Petyr Baelish
3. Ramsay Bolton
4. Petyr Baelish
5. Margaery Tyrell
6. Khal Drogo
7. Ygritte
8. Daenerys Khaleesi
9. Tyrion Lannister
10. Arya Stark

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!