10 movie couples who really couldn’t stand each other in real life
We’ve come to expect true role playing from good actors.

Some stars can’t stand each other at all and end up metting during a shoot. Even worse, it happens to exes who are on bad terms or to people who hate each other and have to play a couple who are deeply in love on screen. Their acting is often so convincing that no one would ever imagine that they are worst enemies.
Here are 10 movie couples who really couldn’t stand each other in real life.
1. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook
This movie tells the intense love story between the two main characters. These roles led the on-screen couple to have a relationship in real life. However, both actors had a hard time accepting and liking each other during the shoot. Ryan Gosling even went so far as to ask the director to kick McAdams off the set, because he didn’t think he could be credible with her since they were so different.
2. Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot
The actor got tired of the female icon showing up late and the fact that she didn’t know her lines. For example, Tony Curtis had to replay the same scene 42 times (the one with the chicken leg), so that Marilyn could finally say her lines without any mistakes. His aversion to the beautiful actress was so pronounced that he even said that “kissing Marilyn Monroe was like kissing Hitler." The actor’s sudden behavior during shooting was clarified a few years later. In fact, he admitted to having a secret relationship with Marilyn. This put an end to it, which frustrated the actor and made him hold a real grudge against her.
3. Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte in I Love Trouble
Filming this movie was real torture. The hatred between the two actors was so bad that they asked to film some of the movie’s scenes separately.
4. Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep in Kramer vs. Kramer
Meryl Streep got a lot of special privileges while shooting this film. For example, she persuaded the director to change some of her character’s traits. In addition, she also got to rewrite parts of the script, which really irritated Dustin Hoffman. But the two actors’ hard work paid off, because they won 5 Academy Awards.
5. Pierce Brosnan and Teri Hatcher in Tomorrow Never Dies
Teri Hatcher systematically kept Pierce Brosnan waiting while shooting Tomorrow Never Dies. Pierce Brosnan finally lost his patience, and although the actress was pregnant and suffered from morning sickness, he wanted nothing to do with her. These conditions led the pair to hate each other until the end of filming and even afterwards...
6. William Baldwin and Sharon Stone in Sliver
Sharon Stone didn’t like William Baldwin even before filming. In her opinion, he was sadly lacking in masculinity and she even considered him to be asexual. Tensions didn’t subside during filming; in fact, it was quite the opposite. Things got so bad that they both demanded the scenes be shot separately. And as for their love scene, it was nicknamed "the hate scene."
7. Marlon Brando and Sophia Loren in A Countess from Hong Kong
(C) Chaplin Film Productions Ltd.
Sophia Loren found Marlon Brando to be too amorous and seductive during filming. She acknowledged that she really didn’t want to work with him any longer after this film. In fact, she was quite bothered by his behavior.
8. Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale in Vacancy
Here’s another couple that showed no signs on-screen of their real-life hatred for each other. In fact, the actor was particularly rude to Kate Beckinsale, which inevitably led to a more tense relationship.
9. Harrison Ford and Sean Young in Blade Runner
Sean Young was a big star in the 80s. Maybe that’s what caused her to rise to the point of being an actress who was very difficult to work with. The on-screen passion and chemistry wasn’t echoed in real life. Even worse, they developed a real hatred towards each other.
10. Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road was shot in very harsh conditions: desert, isolation, hot days, cold nights, etc. Charlize Theron confessed to having some rather violent words with Tom Hardy, making filming even more difficult. Nevertheless, the two actors remained on good terms, because Tom Hardy decided to give Charlize a self-portrait, on which he wrote: "You are an absolute nightmare, BUT you are also freaking awesome. I’ll kind of miss you. Love, Tommy."
Photo credit: WarnerBros.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!