10 people who look really young for their age – without a scalpel in sight!
Some people hate the idea of growing old and will do everything they can to stop the clock. Others are naturally blessed with youthful looks. Imagine you’re 45 years old and constantly being carded, whilst your teenage kids are never asked to produce their ID!

Here are 10 people who look unbelievably young for their age.
1. Chuando Tan is a 50 year-old photographer
A 100% natural wonder, this Chinese former model is 50 years old and has sent the internet into a frenzy with his washboard abs and smooth skin.
2. Pamela Jacobs is 54 years old
Pamela Jacobs comes from Yorkshire, England and gets shocked looks when she gives her age. A healthy-eating yoga fan, she looks half her age and says it’s down to drinking lots of water and moisturizing with coconut oil.
3. Zaklina, a 47 year-old fashionista
This fashion-loving, 47 year-old Serbian grandma has two grandchildren and an Instagram page where she flaunts her elegant style. Zaklina knows how to show off her feminine side and believes that age is just a number. However, she keeps her lifestyle secrets close to her chest…
4. Nandana Sen is a 49 year-old Bollywood actress
Nandana is a well-known 49 year-old Bollywood actress who’s as famous for her body as she is for her charity work. She’s a child protection activist as well as a children’s author. She says her youthful looks are not just genetic but also thanks to a healthy lifestyle – 8 glasses of water a day, 8 hours sleep a night and plenty of hugs!
6. People think 50 year-old Debbie Plumbley is her kids’ friend
(C) Debbie Lane Plumbley/facebook
When she’s out with her daughter, people assume they’re sisters and her son’s friends have all got crushes on this stunning English rose. Since her twenties, Debbie Plumbley has led a healthy lifestyle, drinking 2 liters of water a day and avoiding sugary drinks, tea, coffee…
7. Rita Rusic, a 57 year-old movie producer
Rita Rusic is a Croatian who produces Italian movies. Her youthful face and amazing biking body defy her 57 years. Her secret? Rita is a work-out addict!
8. Ellen Ector, 64 years of keeping toned
Looking this good at 64 takes a lot of effort. Ellen Ector (left) is a fitness instructor and exercising is second nature. She believes our bodies are temples and keeps her curves in shape by following a healthy lifestyle. Apart from her regular work-outs, Ellen is also a vegetarian.
9. Annette Larkins, a 75 year-old who looks half her age
It’s hard to believe that Annette is 75 and she’s regularly seen on TV advising viewers on how to eat a healthy diet. She only eats fresh food and grows a lot of her own produce in what she calls her ‘Fountain of Youth’ garden.
10. Ernestine Shepherd is… 81 years old
Ernestine is a body-builder who defies every stereotypical image of an 81 year-old. Believe it or not, she only started to work out at the age of 56! As a young woman she would gorge on chocolate, sodas and fast food. Nowadays, however, this amazing grandma works in a gym, eats a really healthy diet and pushes her body to the limits – she’s known to start her day with a 10 mile walk!
Crédit photo : chuando_chuandoandfrey/instagram

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!