10 powerful world leaders who you wouldn't recognize today
Would you be able to recognize a world leader from a childhood photo?

Welcome to today's challenge! We're used to seeing them playing center stage, dressed in formal suits or ceremonial attire... But once upon a time they too were kids!
Here are 10 photos of powerful people - with the correct answers at the end!
1. If you look closely, there's a hint on her handbag
2. This American child looked pretty much the same years later!
© JFK Library and Museum/Facebook
3. Cute isn't she? And yet she grew up to be Germany's iron lady!
© Imago Stock and People/East News
4. The innocent face of a man who today is shrouded in controversy!
5. A cute face with a hard stare that hasn't changed...
6. This saintly child still has the same look in his eyes
7. A popular little girl who drew in the crowds several decades later
8. Seen here with his sister, this little boy followed his father's lead
9. The ears may give this one away!
10. The cheeky grin, the Hawaiian location...
1. Queen Elizabeth II
2. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
3. Angela Merkel
4. Donald Trump
5. Vladimir Putin
6. Pope Francis
© Imago Stock and People/East News
7. Hillary Clinton
© Everett Collection/East News
8. George W. Bush Jr.
9. Prince Charles
10. Barack Obama

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!