10 TV characters who have the special ability of making us irritated!
Certain TV characters, due to how cruel or evil they are, have the gift of irritating us. They can be cold, distant, or even hypocritical! They are TV villains and, of course, they annoy us. Don’t you agree?

1. The Governor - "The Walking Dead"
2. Vee - "Orange is the New Black"
3. Joffrey - "Game of Thrones"
4. Frank Underwood - "House of Cards"
5. Negan - "The Walking Dead"
6. Edie Britt - "Desperate Housewives"
7. T-Bag - "Prison Break"
8. Victoria - "Revenge"
9. Cersei Lannister - "Game of Thrones"
10. Sue - "Glee"

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!