11 surprising and fascinating facts about North Korea
North Korea has been all over the news for quite a while, but still remains a country that's shrouded in mystery. It's also known to be one the strictest countries in the world... For example people who live outside of Pyongyang need special permits to enter the city and that's just one of many regulations that the population has to follow.

With the news that the country sent a team to the 2018 Winter Olympics, we decided to put together 11 surprising and fascinating facts about North Korea... Feel free to tell us what you think in the comments section below!
1. School kids have REALLY long days
Kids start school at 8am and often don't finish before midnight… Once classes end at 6pm, they're served dinner before heading off to extra lessons in private institutions!
2. The North Korean Godzilla
North Korea has its own Godzilla who goes by the name of Pulgasari. This popular giant lizard is a dragon meets dinosaur creature whose adventures are an action packed mix of ancient legends, King Kong and Godzilla!
3. 'Choco-pies' are banned in North Korea
Kim Jong-un banned Choco-pies 4 years' ago, partly because he doesn't like them, but mainly because they're made in South Korea and therefore not considered suitable fodder!
4. Kim Jong created an all-female band
The all-girl Moranbong band was put together in 2012 at the request of the president, who wanted to project a more modern image of his country. Apparently Kim Jong-un was inspired by PSY's smash hit 'Gangnam Style'.
5. The constitution is far more liberal than that the regime itself
We all know about how harsh the current dictatorship is, but you'll be surprised to know that the North Korean constitution talks about religious equality, freedom and democracy!
6. Everyone is literate
According to some reports, North Korea is 100% literate, just like Greenland and Andorra! Considering the amount of time kids spend at school, this doesn't come as a surprise...
7. There are no traffic lights
Female police officers equipped with whistles and luminous batons control the traffic with precise, almost robotic, gestures!
8. There are only 3 TV channels
If you find yourself complaining about having nothing good to watch, then try living in North Korea where there are only 3 TV channels: one only broadcasts in the evening and the other two are broadcasted at weekends!
9. An American once got North Korean citizenship
An American by the name of Joseph Dresnok moved to North Korea after the Korean War in order to settle down on a farm. He managed to get a passport and claims to love the country, where he feels fully at home!
10. Wearing jeans is illegal
The North Korean president banned jeans as they represent Western culture. Piercings are also banned but, strangely enough, marijuana isn't!
11. Kim Jong-il liked cognac
Average earnings in North Korea are around $800 per month. Even so, the former president, Kim Jong-il enjoyed the luxury of drinking cognac whilst he was in power. Apparently he would spend over $600,000 per year on his favorite tipple until his death in 2011!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!