11 very realistic Landon Meier masks! Which ones are the most successful?
These terrifying masks are the creations of the artist Landon Meier, creator of the Hyperflesh company. He has focused on the faces of famous celebrities for over 10 years. 11 very realistic Landon Meier masks! Which ones are the most successful?

1. Charlie Sheen
2. The best Bernie Sanders!
3. American politicians with a Donald Trump more badass than in real life!
4. Bin Laden
5. Walter White ("Breaking Bad")
6. What a beautiful dream!
7. Tyrion Lanister ("Game of Thrones")
8. The mask that will make your friends see things on Halloween.
9. Mike Tyson, more real than the actual thing!
10. During an exhibit that inclued his work
11. Barack Obama

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!