12 details you probably never noticed on “Friends”
The last episode aired 13 years ago. Yes, that doesn’t make you feel any younger! The most nostalgic fans, however, continue to watch the episodes over and over, and they often discover details that previously went unnoticed.

We have compiled 12 of them just for you. Get ready to see the show from another angle!
1. The famous couch was always unoccupied for a reason.
The legendary orange couch was always free when the gang arrived. The reason is very simple: early on in the series, you’ll notice the "Reserved" sign on the table. Although it may have disappeared over time, that’s only because everyone knew that it was always reserved for the regulars.
2. A mistake in the logic of the script
In the series pilot, Monica introduces Rachel to Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey as if they didn’t know each other. Except that a few episodes later, in "The One with the Flashback," we learn that Rachel and Chandler already knew each other in college and even shared a Thanksgiving meal at the Gellers.
3. Monica’s yelling jar
Monica is an extremely demanding character. She knows that and is trying to deal with the problem. That's why there’s a jar at Alessandro’s, where she has to put a dollar every time she yells at someone. And obviously, this happens a lot!
4. The magical window in Monica’s kitchen
Everyone knows this window. But what many may not have noticed is that the scene outside is constantly changing! In one shot, there’s a brick wall, and in another, there’s a building, etc...
5. Interesting notes on the board hanging in Joey and Chandler’s apartment
Throughout the episodes, the Magna Doodle board hanging on the door of Joey and Chandler's apartment displays funny messages. And they sometimes announced little details. In fact, when Chandler and Monica started going out, their initials were written inside a heart. Joey also left messages there to remind him to call certain people.
6. A nod to Courteney Cox’s marriage
In the first episode of Season 6, the name “Arquette” was added after everyone’s last names in the credits. It was done to congratulate the newlyweds: Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette.
7. Ross’s two birthdays
While all the characters in the show were getting older, Ross didn’t celebrate his birthday for 3 seasons in a row. In fact, during seasons 3, 4, and 5, he was 28 years old. According to Dr. Geller, Ross was born in December, but a few episodes later he announces that his birthday is October 18... a mistake in the script?
8. None of the gang ever laughs at Chandler’s jokes
Everyone enjoys Chandler's often sarcastic jokes. At least, viewers do. Because his friends in the show almost never laugh... The reason is perhaps very simple: it would be a shame to cut through genuine laughter every time Chandler makes a joke. He should know this: everybody knows very well that he’s the funniest one of them all!
9. A hospital nurse and Joey’s agent are played by the same actress
Estelle Leonard is Joey's agent. Her rare appearances in the show mean that many people have forgotten her face and didn’t recognize her when she played the role of the nurse in the episode where Ross’s son is born.
10. The camera angle that unveils the 4th wall of Monica's apartment
In "The One with the Secret Closet,” directors finally show us the 4th wall of the pretty brunette’s apartment. It was an unusual angle, showing Chandler trying to open the secret closet. This made it possible for viewers to see "the other side of the scene," where sound engineers and cameramen usually film all the scenes.
11. All of the wedding dresses
Monica tries on Emily's wedding dress with her friends. But the weird thing is that her friends also wear wedding dresses... But when you look a little closer, Emily's dress was totally different at her wedding, while Rachel’s dress has also undergone some changes since the first episode, where she left her fiancé at the altar.
12. Courteney Cox was pregnant in the last episode
When Lisa Kudrow, who plays Phoebe, became pregnant during filming, the screenwriters decided that Phoebe would also be pregnant. This didn’t affect the series. But it was a little more complicated with Courteney Cox’s pregnancy! Remember, Monica and Chandler can’t have kids, and they adopt twins. Although Monica's outfits were baggy, you can still notice her growing belly a few times.
Photo credit: NBC

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!