12 Disney characters that were created based on real people!
Discover which people animators were inspired by to create the animated characters that we all know. Some imitations come from just a look, a smile, or a hair-do.

1. The Little Mermaid: Alyssa Milano
2. Pocahontas: Irene Bedard
3. Shrek: Maurice Tillet
4. Maleficent: Eleanor Audley
5. Edna Mode: Linda Hunt
6. Jessica Rabbit: Rita Hayworth
7. Cobra: Jean-Paul Belmondo
8. Sleeping Beauty: Audrey Hepburn
9. Peter Pan: Bobby Driscoll
10. Snow White: Marge Champion
11. Ursula: Divine
12. Wall-E: Charlie Chaplin

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!