12 little economical things you can do to keep your car clean!

Tired of paying a fortune (more or less) at the car wash to have your car detailed? Today we offer you some very efficient and effective solutions to keep your vehicle maintained.
1. Let's start with the headlights:
- Using a toothbrush and toothpaste, you can make your headlights shine like never before.
- You can also use toothpaste to remove dirt from faux leather textured upholstery.
2. Clean the air vents using a small foam paintbrush.
3. Rub your dashboard with olive oil (don’t use too much).
4. You should have cloth floor mats: you can put them right in the washing machine!
5. Goo Gone is very effective for removing stickers.
6. Using a fabric softener sheet, gently remove the little critters that are hanging around.
7. Another spray that will help make stickers easy to remove.
8. Clean your windshield wipers with rubbing alcohol.
9. Make your vehicle shine with hair conditioner.
10. Coffee filters are better than a sponge to clean the inside of your vehicle.
11. Thoroughly clean your glass with steel wool, and the results will be stunning.
12. Sick of corners and tight places? Take a screwdriver and place a cloth on the end. You can also use a post-it and insert it into cracks.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!