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  5. 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

In life, there are "certain" ways to behave and most of us try to respect the rules. For example, we don't go to work in our pajamas and we try to respect others' safety. But the world still has its so-called "nonconformists". These are people who prefer to do things their own way rather than follow society's unspoken "rules". Sometimes it can be a sign of intelligence, while other times it could just mean someone's totally crazy...

Illustration : "12 people and animals that like to do things their own way"

Here are 12 photos that show it can be good to be different - but not all the time!

1. Would you dare get into this pool…?

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© imgur

2. When someone likes a challenge…

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© DieterAwesome

3. Using your commute to work to hold an important meeting

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© brdesignguy/reddit

4. Because it's easier than moving the armchair closer

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© robyncrane_x/twitter

5. Who said ponds have to be big?

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© YaroslavLada123/pikabu

6. Keep your distance!

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© PanTolyan/pikabu

7. Cats make great pen holders

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© analogia/pikabu

8. Someone has an "artistic" side

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© santoli4/pikabu

9. When you give up on creating a new sidewalk

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© Pechenkya/pikabu

10. Must be stored in a dry space

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© Skvirto/pikabu

11. Competing for a post

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© polonewt/imgur

12. The latest generation of drains

Illustration de l'article : 12 people and animals that like to do things their own way

© Ribalka/pikabu