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  3. 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

There are a lot of things we take for granted without even checking.

Illustration : "12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world"

For example, a lot of people believe what they see. Now, with the help of a computer, it's so easy to mess with reality! Are you really sure what you believe is real?

Here’s a series of 12 pictures that may surprise you. Indeed, you’ll quickly understand that you and your brain sometimes get played!

1. The actors who played the Weasley twins in the Harry Potter saga are real-life twin brothers. But their natural hair color isn’t red!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) warnerbros (C) kinopoisk

2. Are you often amazed at the impeccable precision of store displays? They aren’t real!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) imgur

3. The grass is not really greener on the other side either!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) sheepmeshmee

4. You will never look at sidewalks the same way again, will you?

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) imgur

5. If this pillow isn’t meant for sleeping, what’s it used for?

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

6. In reality, Subway sandwiches only measure 11 inches, not the “footlong” they claim...

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) imgur

7. Did you also think you had to have coffee and toast or breakfast? Who are we kidding?

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

8. No ... Cat milk does not really come from cats!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

9. In fact, from this angle, alligators almost become cute!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

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10. Labels are often deceptive.

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

11. Have you ever wondered how celebrities know where to stand on the red carpet? It is simply thanks to these people... Organizers could put blocks or marks on the ground, but no ... They prefer to pay people to point them where to stand.

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) jeffvespa

12. Useful reminder: pineapples do not grow on trees, and neither do peanuts.

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that prove we know nothing about this world

(C) imgur

Photo credits: imgur

Source: BrightSide