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  3. 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

Remember when you spent your time outside, making up games?

Illustration : "12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again"

That time seems so long ago... The new generation doesn’t remind you of your childhood: screens and devices rob them of their freedom and innocence beginning at an early age. But fortunately, some parents still think outdoor games are important.

Here are 12 pictures that will take you back to your childhood!

1. Pets will always be your best friends: with them, you can be as crazy as you want, and they’ll never tell on you to your parents!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) reddit.com

2. Tossing children into a pile of freshly raked leaves...

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) bajiroo.com

3. When you were punished for going outside and carefully followed your parents’ orders

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) rerational

4. Jumping in puddles...

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) twitter

5. ...and rolling around in the mud!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) vk.com

6. When your dad made you an airplane (or a helicopter)!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) vk.com

7. Playing scary pranks on your parents at the beach

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) mom.me

8. Or winter games with the family dog??...

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) Igor Perfilyev

9. Braving the elements: for example, riding your tricycle in the rain in the middle of winter!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) vk.com

10. And the best game in the world: jumping into mud puddles, pretending to be an adventurer like no other!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) slapenopeenfijnkussen

11. The famous game of making faces in the window

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) vk.com

12. And finally, hilarious jokes that make your parents very, very uncomfortable in public!

Illustration de l'article : 12 pictures that will make you want to be a kid again

(C) richardec/reddit.com

Photo credit: richardec/reddit.com