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  3. 12 things to know to improve your daily life

12 things to know to improve your daily life

Most people do the same things every day without asking too many questions. However, there are a lot of tricks that you probably didn’t know that can make your daily life easier.

Illustration : "12 things to know to improve your daily life"

1. Fill a bowl with water and dip your face in it while opening your eyes to get something annoying out of your eye.

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2. Put a glass of water in your microwave to prevent pizza from getting hard.

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3. Use a straightening iron to iron your shirt collar.

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4. Go shopping after you eat to save money.

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After eating, you will have less desire for extras and you’ll pay more attention to how much you spend.

5. Prevent bananas from going bad by tying them with a little plastic wrap.

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6. Use the spring from an old pen to prevent your charger from getting damaged.

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7. Put some newspaper at the bottom of the trash can to absorb liquids.

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8. Use Doritos to start a fire if you have nothing else available.

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9. When you get a brain freeze after eating something too cold, press your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

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10. Use clothespins to prevent your toothbrush from coming in contact with germs.

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11. When it is too difficult to scoop ice cream, just run your spoon under warm water.

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12. Chill your wine bottle very quickly with ice and salt.

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