13 photos that show what it's like to be down on your luck
Having a day from Hell? Or maybe you're convinced that nothing seems to go your way...

It's one glitch after the other, and you've decided that luck will never be on your side. But before you sink into the depths of depression, check out the following photos and rest assured that you're not alone - disaster can strike anyone, anywhere, any time!
1. When you hear your car alarm go off and look out of the window...
2. They decided to paint the road
3. Trying to look innocent
4. Thankfully they got their foot out in time
5. Never trust a cardboard box chair
6. Hot cars = exploding products
7. So much for extra toppings
8. A restroom nightmare
9. It may still work...
10. When insects choose your car
11. When you're so tired, you can't tell the difference
12. Bye bye contacts, selfies, texts...
13. One very close call

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!