13 things that always happen and drive us crazy
In life, there are some good things and others are not so good. Some days it seems like bad luck follows us around. All it takes is one bad thing to happen, and then everything else goes downhill from there. And it’s all very annoying, because we know that it’s going to be a long day...

Here are 13 intolerable things that can really ruin your day ...
1. When the icing on your favorite treat sticks to the wrapper
2. Getting your heel caught in a drain cover
3. When the top comes off like this...
4. When you’re in front of your computer at work, and the sun is shining bright outside. So you close the blinds, and this happens...
5. Eating chicken wings during a game, and there’s no napkins to wipe your greasy fingers
6. When the sharpener acts up
7. When you’re dying of thirst and the pressure in the water fountain is too low to make it reach your mouth
8. Not being able to put your arm out the window in the summer because of this:
9. When the cereal package totally rips open
10. You know it’s going to a bad day when this happens to you in the morning at breakfast
11. Losing one end of the string in your hoodie
12. When the spoon falls into the pot!
13. When the fitted sheet comes off the mattress every night

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!