13 unique business cards!
We have selected several creative cards that are different from the identical little white pieces of cardstock. These people are trying to sell themselves with their ideas, and creativity is a quality that not everyone has.

1. A well-thought out and designed business card for a company that creates stained glass
2. A cameraman’s business card
3. A business card that measures your heart rate
4. A card with gears of thought and time (with a QR code!)
5. "Grill me," the business card for a barbecue grill retailer
6. Business card of a plastic surgeon
7. A business card for PETA, an animal rights organization
8. A cheese grater business card for a cheese shop
9. A business card inspired by Instagram for a hairdresser
10. A sports coach who knows how you should warm up and stretch your muscles before exercising
11. Leave your mark everywhere with this business card that writes.
12. "Follow the perforation... and you’ll be able to see what I look like!"
13. The future is now!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!