14 actors who suffered injuries during filming
While some actors use stunt doubles for every opportunity and prefer to film as few dangerous, violent, and stressful scenes as possible, others take their job to heart even though they may be very famous. But sometimes filming conditions or just bad luck cause injury to an actor on the set.

1. Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie brought home a nice souvenir during the filming of Salt. Her face was split open above the nose after stumbling in a doorway in a "ridiculously easy" scene.
2. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
While filming Premium Rush, Gordon-Levitt fell off a bike in the streets of New York and landed on his wrist. Although he was banged up and got 31 stitches, he was back on set the next day.
3. Robert Downey, Jr.
On the set of Iron Man 3, Robert Downey, Jr. broke his ankle. As is often the case, the injury to the actor holding the title role delayed production. The studio also chose to shoot scenes with a computer-created double to make up for the delay caused by this injury.
4. Daniel Craig
Craig was injured during the filming of Spectre and had to have his knees operated on, slightly delaying production, which resumed without much delay.
5. Halle Berry
Berry was knocked out when she fell on a concrete floor on the set of The Call, suffered a broken foot while filming Catwoman, and also got hurt twice filming Cloud Atlas.
Robert Downey, Jr. broke his wrist on the Gothika set, and he also took a shard of glass in his eye while filming Die Another Day.
6. Brandon Lee
While filming The Crow in 1993, one actor was to shoot blanks at Brandon Lee. But after an error in preparing the equipment, the weapon was loaded with live ammunition. The actor suffered a gunshot wound while filming the scene and died from his injuries shortly afterwards.
7. Isla Fisher
While filming Now You See Me, the actress who played the scene in the pool of water actually nearly drowned. Her chain was still hooked and no one on the set reacted, believing she was acting extremely well. In fact, she remained under water for several minutes and was on the verge of drowning.
8. Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan is famous for performing all his stunts in all of his movies. As a result of doing many stunts, Jackie Chan has suffered multiple fractures on dozens of sets.
9. Channing Tatum
In the movie The Eagle of the Ninth, Channing Tatum and other actors had to jump into a frozen river in Scotland. A mixture of boiling water was to be mixed with the freezing river water and poured into the actors’ body suits to make it more bearable for the actors. According to a member of the team, they forgot to mix the boiling water and poured it directly down Channing Tatum’s body suit. The actor was taken to the emergency room, because his penis was badly burned.
10. Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp is not as good at riding as he is at acting. During the filming of The Lone Ranger, Depp fell from his horse and was dragged about 60 feet.
11. Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford recently broke his ankle on the set of Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. In fact, a hydraulic door on the Millennium Falcon became unattached, falling on the leg of the actor who played the famous mercenary, Han Solo.
12. Leonardo DiCaprio
In the dinner scene in Django Unchained, DiCaprio broke a glass while playing his character and cut his hand. Despite the blood flowing profusely, he continued to play the scene brilliantly. The other actors were impressed!
13. Brad Pitt
While filming Troy in 2004 in which he played Achilles, Brad Pitt tore his Achilles tendon after landing wrong after a jump. The actor took three months to recover from his injury.
14. Jason Statham
While filming The Expendables 3, Jason Statham was driving a three-ton truck when the brakes completely went out. Unable to stop, the actor found himself in the waters of the Black Sea, about to drown. Nevertheless, he managed to escape from the cab of the truck and swim to the surface.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!