14 delivery people who completely failed at their deliveries
Thanks to the internet, buying stuff has never been easier. You simply make a few clicks and wait for your package to arrive in the comfort of your home. What harm is there in that?

Well, apparently a lot of harm. Look at this funny list of delivery failures to see what we mean.
1. Customer request: please put under doormat.
2. I hate you, dear deliveryman.
3. Look up.
4. Package inside bush.
5. I think Fedex used my package to commit a murder before delivering it to me.
6. Fedex decided to be creative.
7. Well hidden. Thanks, Fedex.
8. Your package has arrived!
9. UPS man, we are home. Please knock loudly. Thanks.
10. The deliveryman must have been so proud of himself.
11. My computer screen has been "dumped".
12. Under bucket by car.
13. Thanks for delivering the package intact.
14. If we can't find the door, we'll make one.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!