14 interesting and amazing things to know about the human body. #6 explains so many things...
The human body has so many things to teach us!

Check out these 14 unbelievable facts...
1. When a man ejaculates, it happens at more than 26 mph, which means he’s speeding in a 25 mph zone.
2. The fact that your mouth fills up with saliva when you feel like you’re going to “throw up” is a form of protection against the acids in vomit. It is also one way your body lets you know you are going to vomit, so if you feel that happening, go the bathroom or a quiet corner ASAP!
3. When a pregnant woman’s organs are damaged (for example, a heart attack), the fetus helps the body repair the injured organ by sending stem cells!
4. The orifice that became your mouth was formed after the hole that became your anus. In other words, there was a time in your life when you were just an "asshole".
5. When your face comes in contact with water, your heart rate slows down. This phenomenon is called the “mammalian dive reflex”.
6. The inside of your cheek is made of the same tissues as the inside of a woman’s vagina. This perhaps explains the popularity of certain sex acts!
7. The average human farts enough in 24 hours to fill a standard child’s balloon!
8. At the onset of stress, your blood thickens. This is to encourage the blood to clot, in case of a physical attack. That is why stress often contributes to heart attacks!
9. An average erection requires the equivalent of two tablespoons of blood. This is about the same amount of blood in a gerbil.
10. You can always see your nose, but your mind just ignores it!
11. The tongue is the only muscle in the body that is ONLY connected at one end.
12. Urea is in the eye boogers you develop while sleeping. So you pee from your eyes while you sleep!
13. There’s a blind spot your field of vision, but you don’t sense it because your brain fills it in.
14. Pollen is essentially “plant sperm”. Therefore, hay fever is actually an STD (sexually transmitted disease). Since no one voluntarily takes in pollen, you could say we’re all being raped by trees!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!