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  3. 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

What if Zelda was your little sister? What if Yoshi crossed the street like a cat? Have you ever wondered what the Nintendo characters we play with might look like? Anyway, an artist has made them for you, and we can say that the results are pretty astounding!

Illustration : "14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!"

1. Mario Bros

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

2. Samus

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

3. Yoshi

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

4. Ganondorf

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

5. Bowser

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

6. Megaman

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

7. Luigi

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

8. Peach

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

9. Captain Falcon

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

10. Zelda

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

11. Goomba

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

12. Toad

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

13. Kirby

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!

14. Spontex

Illustration de l'article : 14 Nintendo heroes as if they existed in real life!