14 ridiculous ideas that should never have hit the production line
Before a product hits the shelves, it goes through various processes, starting with the idea itself! This is then followed by prototypes and market research, the idea being that if it's going to be a money-spinner, it needs to appeal to potential customers. But every now and then a totally ridiculous product will still reach stores, leaving us wondering who on Earth would want to waste their hard-earned money on something so useless.

If you don't believe us, check out these 14 items, all of which should have been left on the designer's cutting room floor - although if you want to give someone a joke gift, you might find a suitable one here!
1. Offer your hands extra protection
Handerpants are underwear for our hands, although why not just invest in cool pair of warm gloves? So unless you have an underwear fetish, we suggest you give this one a miss!
2. Weird-flavored toothpaste
Fancy going to bed with the taste of pickles or bacon in your mouth? Personally we can't think of any we'd like less...
3. Shoe umbrellas
Apart from looking ridiculous, we can't imagine that these offer much protection!
4. Individual home cinemas
This is so you can watch movies or shows on your smartphone whenever and wherever you like. It looks extremely claustrophobic and we imagine it'll make your neck hurt like hell after a few minutes!
5. A doll that kids can shave
Seriously? Do you know any kids who'd enjoy spending their time shaving a doll? The only advantage is that kids will learn how to shave before they reach adolescence, but personally we'd prefer to see our kids playing with normal toys!
6. A jacket that hugs you every time you get a 'Like'
Every time someone likes one of your Facebook posts, this jacket will give you a hug. A product that super-needy people may appreciate, but imagine if your posts got thousands of 'Likes' - would this contraption then hug you to death?
7. A gadget to help you pour drinks
Pour yourself a drink with minimal effort even it takes hours to get the bottle or container to fit into this contraption. This could, however, be really useful for anyone who has mobility issues so maybe this product has a promising future.
8. Twitter for dogs
Receive a zillion tweets a day... From your dog!
9. A pet rock
This made its inventor millions - a tongue in cheek gift that doesn't need feeding or walking, but is as faithful as a four-legged friend.
10. Wigs for pets
Apart from being borderline cruel, if we tried to put one of these on our cats, we'd lose our fingers and end up in ER. One product that is not going on our wish list..
11. A unique idea
Work on your laptop in the dark whilst keeping your head and hands warm. Tempted? No, neither are we!
12. Avoid stroking your pet
Up to 85 pats per minute? That's enough to give most animals concussion!
13. A gadget to crack open eggs
If you always break yolks then this could help, but bear in mind that it doesn't separate the yolk from the egg white.
14. Portable toilet paper
Could you imagine going out with this on your head? Words are beginning to fail us...
Bearing in mind that behind all of these products is an inventor, we hope they've still managed to come up with some successful ideas! What about you? Any bizarre or ridiculous products you'd like to share with us? Just drop us a line in the comments section below.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!