14 strange coincidences caught on camera!
Some things are so confusing that we're often left wondering if our eyes are playing tricks on us. From weird angles to perfect timing, the following people managed to snap and share the unsettling coincidences they've stumbled upon while going about their day!

Here are 14 strange coincidences that were caught on camera... They certainly messed with our brains!
1. When you see this on the opposite locker!
2. Strike a pose!
3. You'd be forgiven for thinking this Homer doormat was made to measure!
4. A truthful label
5. When a model is also a pirate
6. Does he realize his doppelganger's sitting behind him?
7. Chimera cat and owner!
8. Perfect timing!
9. A horse loving the fact that he's just grown a body!
10. Yes, centaurs do exist!
11. When a parrot realizes his dad's a mango!
12. …Or maybe a watermelon?
13. Black cats...
14. Which parts belong to which puppy?

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!