14 strange sights caught on camera
The world is full of sights and sounds that are as rare as they are magnificent. Unfortunately we don't all have the time or money to travel the globe and seek out these hidden treasures.

The good news is that thanks to our connected world, we can at least admire photos of these strange sights. So, sit back and enjoy the selection we've put together...
1. An albino turtle with an exposed heart
2. A wolf eel after eating a red sea urchin!
3. Oliver Richards, the tallest body-builder in the world, gets a McDonald's in the Philippines
4. This plant doesn't need light to grow!
5. Moving home in Malaysia!
6. When black grapes look like berries
7. An anti-theft motorbike cover
8. Prawns give off this light after eating bioluminescent plancton
9. A holographic screen brings photos to life - something that could be straight out of a Harry Potter movie!
10. Made with nails!
11. A butterfly that looks like the mask in Scream!
12. When an x-ray shows you have an extra toe
13. One giant popcorn!
14. Yes it's hair not spaghetti!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!