14 terribly made counterfeit products found in stores
There are original brand-name products, and then there are counterfeits. There are products that are expensive because they’re made from solid materials, and then there are ones that are much cheaper, because they’re made with low-budget materials. And then there’s doubtful packaging, etc. As a consumer, all of this should alert you...
Here are 14 examples of products that you should never buy...
1. This picture speaks for itself! (Chinese car/German bike)
2. The PCP Station... But does it work as well as the PSP? And more importantly, does it have enough games to keep you entertained?
3. A funny manicure set from China...
4. You reverse two letters and without anyone noticing, you can play like the pros!
5. When you buy a punching bag on the internet and after just two workouts, it breaks, and you see what’s inside...
6. After X-Box, there’s X-Boy! Not sure that the box contains the same thing though!
7. When Sony becomes Sonia!
8. As far as counterfeiting is concerned, it seems that all you have to do is change the order of the letters to make it better...
9. Houston, we have a problem... and not just a little one!
10. When even knives are worthless...
11. Well so what?! Don’t you know that recycling is essential for the planet!
12. When you undress your favorite teddy bear and find this!
13. Everyone has already seen this one, but honestly, we never get tired of it!
14. That's what we’re saying: it's just recycling!
Do you know about any more? Share yours with us in comments!
By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!