14 things that anyone who played Playstation 1 will remember!
Video games have evolved over the past 20 years. However, many of us could never forget the console that we grew up with, Playstation 1. Here’s a list of things that anyone who played Playstation 1 will remember.

1. Graphics that weren’t very good...
2. Metal Gear Solid
3. Codes
Everyone was desperately looking for codes so they could enjoy the game in a different way. At that time, the internet really wasn’t in every home.
4. The fight between Playstation fans and Nintendo 64 fans
5. Tekken 3
6. It took months to get through Final Fantasy or Tomb Raider.
7. Demo CDs were bought at a newsstand.
8. The cartridge you needed to play pirated games…
9. Memory cards
These little memory cards were more important than anything else you owned in your life!
10. Pro Evolution Soccer
Back then, the planet was divided into 2 types of people, PES fans and FIFA fans.
11. Crash Bandicoot
The legendary Crash Bandicoot, the Playstation mascot...
12. Demo CDs
The extremely frustrating CDs that only played a few minutes.
13. CDs always got scratched.
14. Anxiety that the console would get a bug and not start up…

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!