14 things that guys will never understand about women
Men often have trouble understanding how difficult it is to be a woman! Always having the best make-up, wearing high heels. and all the little things that make women’s daily lives more difficult than men’s! What are the things that men will never understand about women??

1. When your heel breaks!
2. The great joy you feel when you take off your bra!
3. When you’ve just painted your nails and want to put your phone in your pocket!
4. When you test different types of lipstick!
5. The faces you make when you put on make-up!
6. This sleight of hand that brings us so much difficulty!
7. When looking for an outfit to wear!
8. You cannot avoid this!
9. When your bra tries to kill you!
10. High heels are very unforgiving!
11. When something gets stuck in your hair!
12. When this time comes and you have no way to avoid it!
13. When you try to take off a sports bra after sweating!
14. The mark you always see on your shoulder at the end of the day!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!