14 things women do that men still don’t understand
Men just don’t understand women. Sometimes it’s their attitude, and other times it’s what they say, but there are things that guys will never get. Here's a list of things women do that men just don’t understand.

1. They can go shopping... all day long.
And leave us hanging around. For a really long time.
2. They go to the salon, where it costs them an arm and a leg, and we hardly see any difference.
3. When they make the guy they like their "best friend".
4. They always take forever to get ready.
Because it’s not as simple as men think it is. She has to find the right top to go with that skirt, but it also has to go with the new shoes she wants to show off, while not clashing with the color of her hair, of course.
5. They badmouth each other.
Well, let’s admit it, it isn’t just girls who talk behind each other’s backs.
6. They always have a lot of stuff in their purse.
7. They remember things that happened a long time ago (often in full detail).
8. They always have to know every detail.
Because it’s not enough to know a little about something, they have to know all the details.
9. When they say "I’m fine."
No comment, men know that they can in no way understand this.
10. They always lots (and lots!) of shoes.
11. They always go to the bathroom in groups.
Incidentally, Hermione Granger went to the bathroom alone, and she was attacked by a troll.
12. They tell their friends everything.
...and know everything about their friends’ lives. Well, obviously this isn’t true for all women.
13. They love watching romantic comedies...
...which tell stories about things that never happen and aren’t representative of reality.
14. They’re always keeping track of who owes money to whom.
Probably because they feel that people can be too much of a pushover to remember it on their own.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!