14 tricks for making food last longer
We all generally have the same habits when it comes to cooking and storing our food. Today, we offer you some tips for storing food.

1. Put lettuce in a glass jar to make it last longer.
2. Make your containers of cream and cottage cheese last longer by turning them over in the fridge.
3. You can keep milk for 3 months in the fridge, because although the taste changes, it isn’t dangerous.
4. Wrap banana stems in plastic wrap to make them last a few more days.
5. Set your fridge at 35° instead of 38° to extend the life of your food.
6. Wrap vegetables in aluminum foil to make them last for several weeks while maintaining the same texture.
7. Store onions in pantyhose for up to 8 months.
8. Divide ground beef into portion sizes.
To avoid having to take all the meat out of your freezer, thus thawing it all out, make small portions that you can break so you can just get the right portions.
9. To keep your tomatoes longer, put paper towel underneath them with the stems up.
10. Put slices of bread where your cake was cut to make it last longer.
11. Place carrots in a slightly damp box of sand to make them last for several months.
12. Honey cannot go bad, even after several years.
13. Separate apples, onions, and potatoes to prevent mold from forming.
14. Wrap lettuce in a paper towel to absorb moisture and make it last longer.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!