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  4. 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

Sometimes we have a hard time believing our eyes and need to do a double take to make sure we’re not hallucinating! From weird to wonderful, we've all had these moments of doubt when we see something incredible for the first time.

Illustration : "14 unusual sights photographed around the globe"

Our planet is full of awesome sights and sounds, be they man-made or down to Mother Nature. From people who live an offbeat life, to crazy designs and bizarre animals... Just check out the following photos and prepare to be amazed!

1. Check out this mirror in a restaurant in Italy

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© unknown / imgur

2. Did they seriously not think this through?

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© OminousMass23 / reddit

3. When someone is in awe of Steve Jobs?

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© Vkool / reddit

4. Tempted?

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© Mgutierrez2437 / reddit

5. For the soccer World Cup in Russia!

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© Tertychenko / pikabu

6. Pretty and practical

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© sundool / pikabu

7. Colorful soldiers

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© theowlinwinterfell / reddit

8. Or change your brand of deodorant?

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© raginghappy / reddit

9. No, just no!

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© ciaran_palmer / reddit

10. A frog with an extra leg

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© Pork_Chops_McGee / reddit

11. An alternative Santa Claus

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© T0rr1nw0rX / imgur

12. When ugly is also really cute

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© ittwasntme / reddit

13. A giant sweet potato

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© HooniganMike / imgur

14. A store where you can also whiten your teeth

Illustration de l'article : 14 unusual sights photographed around the globe

© Milumet / reddit