15 of the biggest living things found on Earth
Legends claim that giants once ruled the Earth... Okay, so no evidence has been found, but maybe one day archaeologists will unearth the truth! In the meantime, there are plenty of other gigantic animals and plants that once inhabited or still live on our planet.

Here are 15 of the biggest living things found on Earth
1. Giant redwoods
Redwoods are the largest trees on Earth - some can reach a lofty 84 m high with trunks that measure a whopping 8 m in diameter!
2. Amphicoelias
These herbivorous dinosaurs lived on Earth between 145 - 161 million years ago and are the biggest animals to have ever roamed the planet. They were 58 m long and fossil remains show that each vertebra was 2.5m!
3. Titanoboas
This extinct boa-like snake lived between 58 and 61 million years ago and could grow up to 13 m in length! The longest serpent found today is the reticulated python, which measures half the size of its prehistoric ancestor.
4. Jackfruits
Nutrient-packed jackfruits are the largest fruits that grow on trees. They can measure up to 90 cm long, with a 50 cm diameter.
5. Argentavis
This colossal bird lived between 5 and 8 million years ago and with a wingspan of around 7 m, is one of the largest species ever found on Earth. It used to feed on rodents - although how many a day is another question!
6. Paradise Cave
Situated in the lPhong Nha-Ki Bàng National Park in Vietnam, this is the biggest and undoubtedly the most beautiful cave in the world. Its main chamber measures 5 km long, 200 m high and 15 m wide - big enough to house a 40-storey skyscraper!
7. Rafflesia
This is the largest flower on Earth and can measure up to 1 m in diameter. Sadly, it stinks - some people have likened its scent to a rotting corpse! Ugh!
8. Giant deer
Also known as the Irish elk, this magnificent beast lived around 2 million years ago. Unfortunately, increasingly dense forests prevented this 5m high animal from being able to forage, as its huge antlers would get stuck in branches, meaning this species became extinct.
9. Humongous Fungus
The Armillaria Ostoyae mushroom is one of the biggest on the planet. It's found in an 8 square kilometer stretch of the Malheur National Forest in Oregon, although it tends to grow underground.
10. Merostomes
Merostomes are the largest arthropod known to man. From what we know they could grow to 2.5 meters and inhabited the Earth between 248-510 million years ago.
11. The Great Barrier Reef
This is the largest living coral reef in the world and is over 2,300 km long. Although it's gradually dying, it still covers a mind-blowing 344,400 square kilometers.
12. Giant short-faced bear
When standing upright, this bear measured 4.5 m and, thanks to its powerful jaws, was one of the Ice Age's most fearsome predators. According to archaeological records, the species became extinct 14,000 years ago.
13. Gigantopithecus
This giant ape roamed the Earth's forests for 1 million years and is the largest ever recorded. We have very little information on Gigantopithecus, but the scientific community believes it mainly fed on bamboo.
14. Quetzalcoatl
© Mark Witton and Darren Naish/wikimedia
The largest pterosaur AKA dinosaur bird to fill the skies, the Quetzalcoatl's wingspan could reach between 12 and 15 meters. A carnivorous bird, it would feed on small mammals.
15. Blue Whale
The blue whale is the largest known animal on Earth. A protected endangered species, only 10,000 remain, although during the 1960s their population dropped to just 5,000 when they were almost whaled into extinction. Measuring an awesome 33 m long and weighing 150 tons, the blue whale is one hefty beast!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!