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  3. 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

Cats are adorable bundles of fur, oh so arrogant and snobby.

Illustration : "15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated"

With a little luck, you might stumble upon a cute, cuddly, and calm cat. But most of the time, these felines will really give you a hard time.

Their temperament can be surprising: independent, but very demanding at the same time, it can be difficult to understand what they expect. Do you want to adopt a cat? Get acquainted with these few details first.

Here are 15 situations experienced by cat owners.

1. You won’t need your alarm clock anymore. As soon as it’s hungry, your cat will let you know, and it won’t matter to him what time it is!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) tumblr.com

2. Don’t play with your food! It’s time, it’s time to eat!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) melissascottish/twitter.com

3. Don’t bother locking up the food. Cats are smart and conspire to make nonsense!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) CastawayCatsGA/twitter.com

4. Did you think that cats only liked fish? Wrong! Nothing is safe with them!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) twt_kucingmanja/twitter.com

5. He’s watching you... Wherever you are, he will be keeping an eye on you, believe us!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) imgur.com

6. They’re worse than kids. They will be in your way wherever you go. EVERYWHERE!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) imgur.com

7. You might also have to ask permission to live in your own house, that's how it is!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) DianneMeinke/twitter.com

8. What’s yours is also (and especially) his. Plus, once it’s his, it’s never yours again.

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) catasters.tumblr.com

9. What were we just telling you? You no longer get to use your bed either!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) imgur.com

10. Don’t even try bringing a person of the opposite sex into your home ... He or she would not be received well.

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) imgur.com

11. They are also sometimes very vulgar...

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) imgur.com

12. They love being the center of attention.

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) iizcat/twitter.com

13. Cats are excellent at making a mess and shifting the blame to others!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) ljubljupozhrat/pikabu.ru

14. They sleep 20 hours a day, and definitely through the daytime!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) liveinternet.ru

15. And after making a ruckus all night long, they seem to sleep peacefully at dawn!

Illustration de l'article : 15 images that show how life with a cat can sometimes be complicated

(C) reddit.com

Photo credits: twt_kucingmanja/twitter.com, reddit.com

Source: BrightSide