15 photos that are hard to understand
Logic is not in some people’s vocabulary. However, we could have all the logic in the world, but it wouldn’t matter when we saw things that are complicated or ones we can’t decipher.

This is the case with the set of photos below. A simple explanation isn’t enough, because there’s no logic to them. See if you can figure them out!
1. Is this a magic trick?
2. Empty the pond to see more?
3. Paper shoes? What happens when it rains?
4. These hangers show how many likes each item has gotten online!
5. Is that Albert Einstein, next to Waldo's arm?
6. Doesn’t it make you want to visit Iceland?
7. This bouquet is pretty, but is that cabbage in it?
8. When you live in the city and can’t get enough green space!
9. This police car is in real trouble!
10. Magic happens!
11. Snoopy's real face!
12. Your choice of green or red grapes on the same vine
13. An extra one, just in case…
14. Now everyone is looking for him, thanks to a photo shoot he did!
15. Excellent planning!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!