15 photos that shatter the myth of the "perfect bodies" on Instagram
Do you follow these hotties on Instagram too? These women with perfect bodies, who don’t have love handles, but do have well-defined muscles, firm butts, plump chests, and flat bellies? It’s enough to make you think they only eat air...

Don’t feel too bad: these photos are often retouched or taken in certain favorable light or positions. You don’t believe us? Here are 15 photos that will prove what we say.
1. The right background and a tilt of the pelvis and there ya have it, the illusion is perfect.
2. Sometimes, it takes some great inspiration and leaning back just a bit.
3. You thought she had a flat stomach too? Not so much!
4. Whether you’re standing up or sitting down, your belly isn’t really the same.
5. When you suck it in, it always seems flatter.
6. High cuts and profile poses are your best friends!
7. Oh yes ... And exhaling tightens things up too!
8. Staging is everything...!
9. No, no, and no, these women are all like you: they have rolls too!
10. At some point, you have to understand that it’s impossible to have a butt like this and breasts like these, with such a flat stomach, ladies.
11. Probably a "before/after" shot to show the results of a diet…
12. Remember the rotation of the pelvis?
13. Even the most athletic body will have a few bulges in the belly, it’s human!
14. Don’t forget that your body is also made to carry children!
15. Thank god for the sheath dress!
Photo credit: Sara Puhto

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!