15 photos that show human strength and determination at its best
We all have a little voice that cries out when we’re tired or fed up. And then there’s the little voice that makes us grit our teeth and keep going until the bitter end with amazing results!

Here are 15 photos that show how sheer determination and endurance prove our capacity to do extraordinary things.
1. Pawel Poljaski’s legs after finishing the Tour de France’s 16 grueling stages
2. The incredible paintings by blind artist John Bramblitt
3. María Lorena Ramirez won a marathon wearing a skirt and sandals
4. Maule Dhan risks his life to collect honey for a living
5. Ted Rammel is a wheelchair-bound surgeon
6. Dashrath Manjhi took 22 years to dig a path so that his community could fetch medicines from the neighboring village
7. 9 year-old Daniel Cabrera sits in front of McDonalds’ lights so he can do his homework
(C) Joyce Torrefranca/facebook
8. Fauja Singh is a 100 year-old athlete who ran a marathon in just 8 hours 25 minutes – the oldest man in history to run this distance
9. Two surgeons take a break after having removed a cancerous brain tumor from their patient
10. Aaron Fotheringham is a professional skateboarder who performs tricks in his wheelchair!
(C) Aaron Fotheringham/facebook (C) Aaron Fotheringham/facebook
11. This year, Hugh Jackman beat cancer for the 5th time
12. This Filipino teacher crosses a dangerous river twice a day so that she can get to and from her school
13. Young ballerinas warming up
14. Vanessa Low won a gold medal at the 2016 Paralympics with a 4.93m jump
15. Jadav Payeng is an ecologist who spent 37 years planting trees to create a 550 hectare forest
Crédit photo : p.poljanski / instagram

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!