15 photos that will make a perfectionist's day
Perfectionists find happiness in order and symmetry, and, if you tend to be fussy, we hope the following will counteract any chaos in your life!

Have you ever seen something so perfect that you've had to grab your phone and immortalize its beauty? The internet is awash with photos of perfection that have been shared on social networks.
Here's a particular soothing selection of 15 photos that will delight your inner perfectionist!
1. When you arrive at your vacation rental and discover you match the furniture
2. Mesmerizing reflection
3. Perfect tire tracks
4. Seems a shame to make this cup of coffee
5. Completely intact
6. A perfect fit
7. The most divine cup of coffee in the world
8. When your dog boasts the perfect circle
9. The beauty of condensation
10. They deserve a round of applause
11. When luck is on your side
12. One happy dog!
13. Ready to go in the oven
14. The most tempting quesadilla
15. We could stare at this forever!
© alternateartreality / Reddit

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!