15 strange coincidences caught on camera
When it comes to coincidences, social networks mean we can snap and share the weirder things we experience in life - just check out the following selection.

Coincidences are often freaky. They are surprising, sometimes funny or even scary. This makes the internet a great place to share photos of the unexpected encounters we stumble upon.
Here are 15 photos of weird coincidences caught on camera.
1. They weigh exactly the same as the weight shown on the packaging
2. A snowflake angel
3. When sun pours into a bathroom
4. She matched her dentist's chair
5. A super-creepy reflection from the TV
6. When water forms a bike
7. Perfectly wrapped!
8. When two become one
9. Neighbors who received identical orders on the same day
10. Same curtain, perfectly aligned
11. When a leaky pen creates stars
12. Too creepy to be appetizing?
13. What are the chances of this happening?
14. Dog meets carpet
15. When your cat loves to hide behind the shower curtain

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!