15 surprising things you never knew about Robert Downey, Jr.
In Hollywood, Robert Downey, Jr. is in charge. For a long time, he hasn’t been at the top, in particular because he was known for having problems with alcohol and drugs. Yet today the Iron Man actor is number one. Here are 15 things you definitely never knew about this Hollywood superstar.

1. Robert Downey, Jr. is the highest paid actor in Hollywood.
In 2014 Robert Downey, Jr. was the highest paid actor in Hollywood, with nearly $75 million, equivalent to Christian Bale’s (Batman) and Chris Hemsworth’s (Thor) earnings combined.
2. Robert Downey, Jr. released a solo album, The Futurist.
Besides being a good actor, Robert Downey, Jr. has also tried his hand at music, by recording a solo album in 2004. It was rather well-received by critics, however the actor-singer hasn’t wanted to make another one: it didn’t earn him enough money in his opinion.
3. He was in a relationship with Sarah Jessica Parker for 8 years.
In the 1980s Robert Downey, Jr. lived with Sarah Jessica Parker, the actress from “Sex and the City”. After 8 years together, their relationship came to an end, because of Robert Downey, Jr.’s problems with drugs.
4. His dream meal would be a Domino’s pizza with pasta carbonara.
"If I could eat whatever I wanted every day, I would have Domino’s pizza with pasta carbonara inside every slice. And at night I would have Neapolitan ice cream until I felt absolutely toxic, while telling myself 'it's okay, I will exercise tomorrow’".
5. In 2003 he threw all his drugs into the ocean.
After the Burger King incident, Robert Downey, Jr. was invited to a weekend trip with friends under the influence. He changed his mind and drove straight to the edge of the ocean. He threw all the drugs he had left in his possession into the water, and since that day he has been sober.
6. He is the only member of “Saturday Night Live” to be nominated for “Best Actor”.
“Saturday Night Live” is known for bringing together the most famous actors in Hollywood. Yet none of them have ever been awarded for their roles... Robert Downey, Jr. is the one who has gotten the closest when he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for a biopic of Charlie Chaplin in 1997.
7. Robert Downey, Jr. smoked weed for the first time at the age of 6.
It was on the set of an underground film directed by his father, Robert Downey, Sr. This gave him his first experience with pot. Downey, Jr. often cites this moment as a source of the problems he had later with drugs. This film was also his first experience as an actor, since he had a voiceover role in his father’s movie.
8. He was let out of rehab to appear in an Elton John video.

In 2001, Elton John was recording his new album. He asked the director, Sam Taylor-Johnson, to come up with an idea for a video. She thought of a guy in an empty house singing the lyrics. And to do this, she wanted to use Robert Downey, Jr... who was in rehab at the time. The actor accepted the role and left rehab just for the filming.
9. He once wore a Tony Stark costume to deliver an actual bionic arm to a disabled child.

10. He studied classical ballet in England.
While his father was traveling the world for his work, Robert Downey, Jr. took ballet classes for a short time at Perry House School in 1977. That didn’t last long, and the actor admitted that it really didn’t suit him. He also didn’t follow the rules.
11. Robert Downey, Jr. loves Comic Con.
He says that this is the place where he prefers to be. At the same time, when you're a superstar, we can understand why.
12. Robert Downey, Jr. often wears platform shoes or even high heels when working on a movie.
Despite being a top-rated actor, Robert Downey, Jr. is “only” 5’7” tall, and this has often caused him problems on film sets. It was notably Guy Ritchie on the set of Sherlock Holmes who asked him to wear them to reduce the height differences between Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law. Since then, the actor has gotten used to it and wears these types of shoes for all his roles, including Tony Stark.
13. Robert Downey, Jr. was supposed to play Hamlet in a Mel Gibson adaptation.
In a project directed by Mel Gibson, the actor was supposed to have played the lead role from the beginning of the project. But after a new series of arrests for drunkenness and drugs, Robert Downey, Jr. could not guarantee he’d be there for the project, which went up in smoke. Although Mel Gibson admits his desire to continue developing this adaptation, his lead actor is very likely to be too expensive for his budget now.
14. Burger King saved his life.
Although Iron Man gave us some wonderful product placements, there’s more to the story.
In the middle of the spiral of drugs he experienced a few years ago, the actor stopped at a Burger King, hungry and with a trunk full of dope. Despite an appetizing order, he got the most disgusting meal he had ever had the opportunity to see on his plate. And then it hit him – he decided to pick up the pieces of his life beginning on that day, and has never strayed.
15. He was roommates with Kiefer Sutherland from “24”.
When Kiefer Sutherland arrived first came to Los Angeles, he found himself sharing an apartment with another young, broke actor, Robert Downey, Jr. It's pretty funny to think that Iron Man and Jack Bauer used to fight over who would do the dishes next.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!