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  3. 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

Here are some things that anyone who doesn’t have to leave home to go to work experiences every day. Though their friends may often suspect that they’re unemployed, the life of these people isn’t always what it seems.

Illustration : "15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!"

1. Being able to get up at the last moment before “going” to work. Even without a shower or anything.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

2. You rarely get started on time.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

3. You even work when you’re sick. From tucked under the covers, maybe, but you're still working.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

4. You feel an almost unhealthy joy when you hear about a mass transit strike.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

5. But you always finish MUCH LATER.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

6. If you have a cat, you’ve regretted it at least once.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

7. Most people think you’re just an entitled person who spends his days doing nothing.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

8. You talk to yourself way too much.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

9. You dream of going outside to get some fresh air.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

10. People are jealous of you for "being able to work in your underwear.”

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

11. You know all about your neighbors’ lives – the time they get up, when they leave their house, etc.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

12. You wouldn’t be surprised to learn that your neighbors don’t even know you exist.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

13. You love hearing your friends talk about their office drama

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

14. No one sees you drooling when you take a nap to get recharged.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!

15. You stop yourself when going to the bathroom to enjoy the happiness of knowing that you won’t have to wait in line.

Illustration de l'article : 15 things that anyone who works from home will understand!