15 totally useless items that you absolutely must have in your home! Which ones are truly essential?
Useless objects, which no longer have or (never have had) any purpose – we have tons of them! But the things on this list could change your daily life. A little joke in the morning in your spoon for a smile while you wake up or a submarine tea infuser just for fun? Yes, it may well become something you have to have! 15 completely useless but must-have items! Which ones would you like to have?

1. A pick-maker for musicians
2. Gourmet hanging lights
3. We don't get much of a laugh with these eggs...
4. A pipe with a moustache
5. A more practical grill
6. Organic chopsticks
7. Useful and discreet
8. In front of a geek's door
9. A submarine for dunking your teabag in water
10. A huge mug for a giant cup of coffee or tea
11. A pillow with a bite taken out of it...
12. A little jomke for the morning
13. Whoever said that crumpled paper on your desk couldn't be fashionable?
14. A product + directions at the same time
15. For parties

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!