16 amazing facts that will make you the most interesting person at a party
Why be interested only in the information that you see on TV all day long? In fact, there are many things you probably don’t know but will remember. Here is the list of useless facts that will make you the most interesting person at a party.

1. Only a few scientists know where the tallest tree in the world is located.
2. Cats cannot detect the sweet taste.
3. It would take a snail 115 years to travel 1 mile.
4. Giraffes have a long enough tongue to clean their ears.
5. Bees have five eyes.
6. The Ying-Yang symbol was used for the first time in Rome and not China.
7. In 1977, a urologist bought Napoleon's penis for $3,000.
8. The Russian government collects 10% of all vodka sales in the country.
9. Eating a teaspoon of sugar can soothe the heat from a spicy dish.
10. Duels (like in the days of the Wild West) are allowed in Paraguay.
If both men agree and they are both registered as blood donors, they have the right to a duel.
11. Selling chewing gum is prohibited in Singapore.
12. In Germany, there are false bus stops in front of retirement homes.
In fact, these fake bus stops can prevent some seniors from trying to flee. If they do, they may spend a long time waiting...
13. Elephants are capable of crushing mosquitoes just by folding their skin.
14. If there were no colors in Coca-Cola, the drink would be green.
15. The eyes of a human being do not grow, unlike the ears and nose.
16. The average lifespan of US one-dollar bill is 5.8 years.

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!