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  3. 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

These images are obvious proof that despite richness and fame, these stars are still attached to their mothers. If you’ve never had the opportunity to see them, here’s a selection of 16 celebrities and their moms. Which ones are the cutest?

Illustration : "16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?"

1. Charlize Theron and Gerda

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

2. Ryan Gosling and Donna

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

3. Leonardo Dicaprio and Irmelin

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

4. Matthew McConaughey and Mary

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

5. Brad Pitt and Jane

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

6. Snoop Dogg and Beverly

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

7. Big Sean

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

8. Drake and Sandi

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

9. Trey Songz and April

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

10. Nicki Minaj and Carol

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

11. Beyonce Knowles and Tina

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

12. Michael Fassbender and Adele

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

13. Justin Timberlake and Lynn

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

14. Jared Leto and Constance

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

15. Bradley Cooper and Gloria

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?

16. Wiz Khalifa and Peachie

Illustration de l'article : 16 celebrities photographed with their moms! Which ones are the cutest?