16 cool designs spotted around the world
Genius ideas appear in all areas of design, as the following selection proves!

Designers are always looking to improve everyday objects. A quest to make mundane items more practical and functional, or simply to add an aesthetic aspect. And we, as consumers, can then snap and share these cool ideas on social networks.
Here are 16 photos of awesome designs that deserve a special mention!
1. At the local butcher's
2. Cool crab!
3. Turn the fire extinguisher into a work of art
4. One for jigsaw puzzle fans
5. Practical and hygienic
6. Enjoy a daily commute through a forest
7. Practical, removal jug
8. He made this from scratch using trash collected at beaches
9. Fun and functional
10. We always wondered what the Easter Island heads were for
11. So you can check the entire contents
12. And hand-made too!
13. Nothing beats a sense of humor
14. A remote with a headphone socket
15. Meanwhile, in India you can monitor the calories you burn
16. You can't get snugger than this!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!