16 fascinating photos that have gone down in history
The past has been marked by innumerable significant moments. Episodes that made the world stand still, followed by historical events that turned everything upside down.

We just have to sit down with our parents or grandparents to learn how much the world has changed, and that is only our recent past... The great thing about the arrival of photography is that such moments were captured on film, and here are 16 fascinating photos of times long forgotten by many, but which represent turning points in history.
1. October 1940 and as they're marching off to war, this little boy runs to say goodbye to his dad
© Claude Dettloff / Wikimedia Commons
2. A victory like no other at the 1960 Olympic Games
© Kasper2006 / Wikimedia Commons
3. The Second World War... It's 1945 and these German women are doing the laundry with cold water in the street
© No 5 Army Film & Photographic Unit / Wikimedia Commons
4. A ship's crew in 1918 go up on deck to watch a movie
5. March 1941 and this Frenchman is in mourning
© Office for Emergency Management / Wikimedia Commons
6. Astronauts Young and Grissom head towards their rocket for the 1965 Gemini Mission
7. 1967 and protests against the Vietnam War in front of the Pentagon are in full swing
© S.Sgt. Albert R. Simpson / Wikimedia Commons
8. Skiing meets paragliding in Austria in 1938
9. The Second World War is over and Londoners gather in Whitehall to hear Winston Churchill's speech on May 8th 1945
© Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer / Wikimedia Commons
10. Sharing a soda in front of the White House in 1922
11. Grand masters Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov shake hands before their famous chess game in 1985.
© Owen Williams, The Kasparov Agency / Wikimedia Commons
12. 1937 in Holland and a man prepares to catch a woman diving into a pool
13. This is how they cut giant trees in 1890
© Het Nieuwe Instituut - Architecture Collection / Wikimedia Commons
14. The Korean War in 1950, where one soldier comforts his friend
© Sfc. Al Chang, U.S. Army / Wikimedia Commons
15. A starving child in 1918 is given some bread by a soldier
© Nationaal Archief / Wikimedia Commons
16. Jammie Reynolds taking a big risk in 1921

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!