16 jaw-droppingly terrible marketing fails
Clever, effective marketing is essential if you want a product to fly off the shelves. Get it wrong and your potential best-seller will end up in the bargain bin!

Here are 16 photos where the marketing and merchandising teams only had one job and managed to totally mess it up - to be honest, we don't know whether to laugh or cry. Or just settle for a facepalm...
1. Feel tempted by these facial masks?
2. When SpongeBob SquarePants begins to melt
3. This little girl must have been so disappointed!
4. This one had us in stitches! Be nice to pandas!
5. Talk about being subtle...
6. When your ready meals consists of a liquid lunch...
7. This company needs to hire a proofreader!
8. How to completely confuse your customers
9. Well, they've certainly got a point!
10. TBH, we're not surprised this is on sale!
11. Because women love nothing more than a nice, sharp knife...
12. For goodness' sake, close your legs and put on a pair of pants!
13. One of the reasons why British humor is the best!
14. And it looked so good in the photo!
15. Why fake goods are never a good option
16. When the Earth becomes part of the gender divide debate...
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By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!