16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level
Human beings are constantly reworking old ideas or inventing new ones. Every day revolutionary gadgets hit the stores. Some are useful, others seem to be a waste of money. But what if we want to solve a problem by ourselves? There are plenty of people who believe they're life hack heroes...

And if they don't immediately find a solution, they'll keep on trying, even if the end result leaves something to be desired - often with hilarious consquences!
1. A very squeaky bumper!
2. When you want to eat cereal at work
© TheWanderingAarvark / reddit
3. When you lose the lead!
4. When you want to be closer to the action
© rp2012-blackthisout / reddit
5. You'll need really good abs to do this for hours!
6. DIY fork!
7. Who said CD's were just for playing music?
8. The best way to spit out seeds
9. You've seen the fork, now here's the spoon!
10. No toaster? No problem!
11. Hilarious!
12. Fill several watering cans in one go!
13. Keep your bagel fresh!
14. For those lazy, stay in bed days!
15. When you can't be bothered to stand
16. So you can still clock watch at work!

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!