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  4. 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

Human beings are constantly reworking old ideas or inventing new ones. Every day revolutionary gadgets hit the stores. Some are useful, others seem to be a waste of money. But what if we want to solve a problem by ourselves? There are plenty of people who believe they're life hack heroes...

Illustration : "16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level"

And if they don't immediately find a solution, they'll keep on trying, even if the end result leaves something to be desired - often with hilarious consquences!

1. A very squeaky bumper!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© nihilism1998 / reddit

2. When you want to eat cereal at work

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© TheWanderingAarvark / reddit

3. When you lose the lead!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© Reyquasis / imgur

4. When you want to be closer to the action

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© rp2012-blackthisout / reddit

5. You'll need really good abs to do this for hours!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© Mr_E13 / reddit

6. DIY fork!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© unknown / reddit

7. Who said CD's were just for playing music?

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© Antimatterlad ?/ twitter

8. The best way to spit out seeds

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© didlydadly / imgur

9. You've seen the fork, now here's the spoon!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© shrugalicious / imgur

10. No toaster? No problem!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© K mayuscula / twitter

11. Hilarious!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© PizzaSaucez / imgur

12. Fill several watering cans in one go!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© FameMoon / imgur

13. Keep your bagel fresh!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© Target Property / twitter

14. For those lazy, stay in bed days!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© LHN / reddit

15. When you can't be bothered to stand

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© dutchy4233 / reddit

16. So you can still clock watch at work!

Illustration de l'article : 16 people who took resourcefulness to a whole new level

© RF_Guy1654 / reddit