16 people who totally lack respect
Being respectful isn't just about following rules. It means thinking about others, looking after our planet and trying to live a life that does good, not bad. Sadly, there's always someone who doesn't give a hoot and will always put their own needs and desires first.

They do what they want and don't care if they hurt or insult others. It's selfish and sometimes we wish karma would come back and hit them fair and square. To have a taste of their own medicine could do them the world of good... And the following examples are just the tip of the iceberg!
1. Barriers are there for a reason...
2. When kids are let loose in a store
3. Seriously? Unbelievable!
4. Leaving a movie theater looking like a pig sty
5. How to suffocate a cyclist
6. Eww, yuck
7. How to con your customers
8. We have no words...
9. They'll pay the price of having to repair their scooter
10. Some people feel so self-entitled
© ImNotYourBuddyGuy69 / reddit
11. No, just no
12. Imagine getting back to your seat and finding this
13. Why not?
14. Because public transport = trash can?
© jinxykatte / reddit © Blastpower091 / reddit
15. One day there may be no plants left
16. On a war memorial

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!