16 romantic things that only happen in the movies!
Check out these things that seem so simple to do in movies but are nothing like what happens in real life. Sometimes they make us dream so much that we try to do them ourselves without really succeeding. If you have tried to experience something done in a movie without much success too, this list is for you.

1. Totally unexpected marriage proposals in public
2. Being able to say that you have an original story, because your relationship came from a bet
3. Sharing your plate and eating at a restaurant
4. Kissing in the rain
5. Declaring your love to someone who is already married, probably ruining his or her relationship forever
6. Filling a room with unnecessary sexy candles
7. Fighting with a potential rival
8. Going to your partner’s workplace to declare your love
9. Changing your look to meet the desires and expectations of the person you would like to go out with
10. Stopping your wedding at the last second because you love someone else
11. Being prepared to "do anything" to go out with someone
12. Doing huge romantic acts in front of a lot of people
13. Doing it in the pool
14. Interrupting someone's wedding at the last second to tell her you love her
15. Doing it in the Jacuzzi
16. Taking a shower together

By Straker Julia
Passionate about writing, I write articles on the subjects that I love. Creativity and Animals themes are my favorites!